Our Clients Value Us...

Cathe Gigstad

Cathe Gigstad

We love our kitchen! It tur­ned out bet­ter than we ever imagined.  The crew was great, and they went abo­ve and beyond many times to get things just right.  We are loo­king for­ward to our Mas­ter Bath remo­del next year! I now recom­mend DC Boo­ne to all my friends and clients.

Dave & Nancy Myers

Dave & Nancy Myers

Chris Boo­ne spent many hours with us wor­king through our pre­cons­truc­tion ques­tions. Our pro­ject had a defi­ni­te dead­li­ne, our son’s wed­ding. The crew wor­ked over­ti­me to help us reach the goal. We are very happy with the qua­lity results of our new addition.

Greg Strachan

Greg Strachan

We hired D.C. Boo­ne Cons­truc­tion to build our dream home in Poway. They kept us upda­ted con­ti­nually throughout the pro­ject — and more impor­tantly — finished within bud­get & on time! Our home is exqui­si­te insi­de and out due to their craftsmanship.

Scott & Judy Sorenson

Scott & Judy Sorenson

We highly recom­mend D.C. Boo­ne Cons­truc­tion, and have hired them on more than one occa­sion for remo­de­ling pro­jects. They do great work and always deli­ver a qua­lity product.

Butch Olhausen

Butch Olhausen

Chris Boo­ne is one of the most hono­ra­ble peo­ple I have ever met. Over the years he has done cons­truc­tion jobs for my com­pa­nies and me, ran­ging from show­room remo­dels & tenant impro­ve­ments, to com­ple­te homes. He runs a smooth, clean and orga­ni­zed project.