Who We Are...

about DCBoone about DCBoone

Ser­ving the San Die­go com­mu­nity sin­ce 1985, D.C. Boo­ne Cons­truc­tion, Inc. has esta­blished itself through excep­tio­nal value, qua­lity work, and las­ting rela­tionships. The­se tenets form our com­pany’s foundation. 

Chris Boo­ne, our owner and foun­der, deve­lo­ped a love for cons­truc­tion at an early age. Under his grand­father’s watch­ful eye, Chris first lear­ned to swing a ham­mer. A pas­sion for buil­ding and design work emer­ged, along with exce­llent crafts­manship and car­pentry skills. As a long stan­ding mem­ber of the Bet­ter Busi­ness Bureau, D.C. Boo­ne has plea­sed clients in all types of cons­truc­tion. Spe­cia­li­zing in resi­den­tial kitchen & bath­room remo­dels, room addi­tions, and new home cons­truc­tion, we also work within the com­mer­cial buil­ding industry and offer cons­truc­tion mana­ge­ment services.

No mat­ter the pro­ject size, we aim to unders­tand each client’s uni­que needs and goals. Trust, effi­cient pro­ject mana­ge­ment, and good com­mu­ni­ca­tion are impe­ra­ti­ve to buil­ding las­ting client rela­tionships. As such, our emplo­yees are trai­ned to achie­ve the­se goals to ensu­re each pro­ject’s qua­lity and suc­cess. We work hand-in-hand with local archi­tects, and have for­ged exten­ded rela­tionships with relia­ble tra­des­men. During cons­truc­tion, we honor our client’s home or busi­ness envi­ron­ment and mini­mi­ze dis­rup­tion by main­tai­ning a clean, well orga­ni­zed jobsite.

With D.C. Boo­ne, pea­ce of mind is assu­red. Work will be com­ple­ted on time, within bud­get, and excee­ding your expec­ta­tions. Don’t take our word for it; we invi­te you to review some of our past work and client tes­ti­mo­nials.

If you would like to dis­cuss how we may be of ser­vi­ce on a futu­re pro­ject, plea­se con­tact us.